Team Building at J-Town Bible Church
MCE is pleased to announce the addition of Kenn and Elizabeth Chipchase to the ministry team at Jeffersontown Bible Church in the Louisville KY metro-area. Ken and Elizabeth are both graduates of Calvary Bible College in Kansas City, MO.
JBC was planted in 2006 during the IFCA International Convention in Louisville. It has been under the leadership of Larry and Susan Duncan.
It has always been our hope to one day be able to provide a team of leadership for this plant and we are excited now that the Chipchases are part of that plan. Kenn loves to preach God’s Word and has the necessary passion to serve a local flock of God’s people. One of the greatest needs in the ministry of church planting is for quality young men to step into leadership positions grows every day. We look forward to seeing how God will use the Duncan/Chipchase team to expand the ministry of Jeffersontown Bible Church.
The Chipchases desire to build their missionary support team for both prayer and finance. Please consider joining the Chipchase Support Team. Kenn and Elizabeth would be honored to know of your participation with them.